Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Slow Down

Today, my back is still out. Well, not ALL the way out I suppose, but it hurts really bad. It has forced me to take things very slowly. At first, I was quite annoyed by this seeing as I needed to get the kids fed, dressed, and off to preschool. Not to mention, I had to get myself ready in the process. So, instead of panicking, I prayed. I quoted scripture in the shower, I quoted it while trying to get my hairdryer out of a bottom drawer, while picking out my kids' clothes, getting them breakfast, etc. God blessed me by allowing Sarah to wake up while my husband was still home, so I didn't have to figure out how to get her out of her crib. He also blessed me with a phone call to my hubby from his carpool asking if they could meet 20 min. later than normal. That allowed me the extra time I needed to get myself ready.

It's amazing to me how when I decide to praise God and speak His Word into my day, no matter what the circumstances, he will honor that. Did my pain disappear? No. But, I had peace and I had the grace I needed to get the kids ready and off to school. My back still hurts, and I still have to get myself to my Lasik eye surgery consultation this afternoon, but I am not worried. I know God is with me and he loves me.

Yesterday was our young moms cell group. The topic was "the entropy monster". The definition of entropy is a system or universe moving from a state of order to disorder. Boy, did that fit my day to a tee yesterday. I woke up with a very sore back, (not as sore as this morning, but still pretty bad), screaming kids, a headache, a very messy kitchen, and a really bad attitude. I needed to get to my mom's group by 10:00 and still had to make two kinds of fruit sauces for the waffles we were all going to enjoy together. So, rather than do what I did this morning, which was the right thing, I did everything wrong. I panicked at the time, I yelled at the kids, I ran around like a crazy person (well, hobbled), and basically ruined the morning for the three of us. I almost didn't go to my group because I felt so guilty about how the morning had gone. How could I go and just pretend that everything was fine? But, they were counting on the sauces, so I figured I had to go.

We got to the car and I broke down. I asked God to forgive me and then I asked my girls if they would please forgive mommy for yelling and having such a bad attitude. Hailey said, "Of course we forgive you momma. We all have our bad days." Sarah just put her pudgy little hands on my cheeks and said, "It's awright mommy, it's awright." I just couldn't believe how quickly the situation turned from a nightmare, to peaceful and "all-is-well" in a matter of one minute. And how quickly my children forgave me. What a wonderful example of how we all need to be.

Anyway, we had a wonderfully happy drive to cell group and the message was so fitting for the type of morning I'd had. Everyone enjoyed the sauces, I got refreshed, and I got to confess to all the moms that I screwed up, had a terrible morning, and that it all changed when I asked my kids to forgive me. What ended up being a terrible situation for me, touched the lives of the women at my group. Several women told me how much it blessed them that I was honest and shared my confession. Who knows? Maybe someone had the same morning? I know that I'm not alone. I felt so much better after confessing aloud that I had not been a very good mommy that morning. I didn't have to share that, but I couldn't go through the morning pretending that I wasn't deeply affected by the way I had treated my kids. We had a great rest of our day. They were peaceful, they shared with each other, they were helpful to me, Sarah took a three hour nap. God was in the rest of the day, and that attitude of forgiveness and compassion has carried into this day. I love Jesus! Here are some notes from our cell group:

How Not To Allow Entropy To Crowd Our Hearts
Read Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8
- Make God your refuge and your fortress. Trust in Him at ALL times.
- Let God's strength be perfect in your life. Operate in His strength, not your own. Read Isaiah 40:28-31. Let Him help you!
- Believe that God is making you new every day. Read 2 Cor. 4:16-17. Don't lose heart, don't give up, keep pressing through!

Heard around my house these days:

- "Mom, come quick! Sarah has the hugest snot EVER!"
- Hailey calls jumping on the couch "learnin' math." (Still don't know where she got that from.)
- Sarah says, "No momma, I do it mysewf!" every time I go to help her with something. Two seconds later she says, "Help pwease mommy." I go to help her and she shouts, "No momma, I do it mysewf!" Another couple seconds, "Help pwease mommy!" We do this several times before she finally lets me help her.
- "Mom, why can't the sky be green and the grass could be blue? That would be super cool."
- "Thanks for letting me help you fold laundry mommy, it just makes me so happy." (I love that!)
- "Mom, why does the Easter bunny only come at night? Does he work with Santa Claus?"

Please feel free to leave comments as to your children's funny things that they say. I love to hear them! Have a wonderful day and remember, there is power in the Word of God. Speak it out. Keep your eyes on what is not seen, instead of what your circumstances may be. You are doing the most important job on earth and you will be rewarded greatly.


Pastor Chris said...

I have the most incredible daughters and Tracie is the first of them. I am so proud of you, how you're loving your family, and how you are not afraid to be honest. You go girl! Love, Dad

Melanie said...

I love this post! Thank you for being real. =) I was encouraged!

I hope you're back to your old self soon. Pain can be so debilitating when it gets in the way of serving our family.

God bless you and heal you!