Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yay! I can finally see well enough to write again! My eye surgery went very well and the doctor told me yesterday that my eyes are completely healed. Now it's the waiting game of how long it will take for my vision to become sharper. I'm told it takes a week or two before you can see really clearly. It's getting better by the day, but slowly. I am fighting the urge to worry. I was very encouraged yesterday by a couple of girls in my mom's group who had the same surgery a couple years ago. They told me not to freak out, that my vision WILL get clear and sharp. I am going to believe them and just wait patiently. I seem to have a constant headache though from squinting. I have to consciously not squint to see. So, time will tell. At least I am functional, with the exception of driving. I'm not confident enough to drive yet, but hopefully soon. I'm now thinking that I should have bought stock in eye drops. Holy cow! They are a life saver though.

It's so amazing to wake up in the morning and be able to read my alarm clock...and see my husband's face clearly! That is, after I remove what my husband lovingly refers to as my "Bono bug glasses" (as in, U2.) I get to wear these lovely plastic eye shields taped to my face all night so that I don't rub my eyes. They really are quite comical and my kids are going to have a great time playing with them come Friday. Hmmm...maybe I will post a picture. Only three more nights. I can handle it. At least I was able to get out of the house yesterday. I felt like I'd been living in a cave since Thursday. Thank goodness the light sensitivity is getting less and less now.

A friend of mine picked me up after my eye doctor appointment and took me to mom's group. It was our last one for the summer, so I really wanted to be there. I wore my sunglasses almost the whole time, but hey, it's cool to be a rock star for a day! Then I came home and rested until Josh got home with the girls. The same lovely friend picked me back up after dinner for another cell group. It was so awesome to meet some new women and we had a great time! If you aren't involved in any kind of cell or mom's group, you should be. It is so incredibly uplifting! If there isn't one available in your area, maybe you can start one. Just something to think about. Women helping other women is very powerful.

I was trying to think of something really profound to write, but I don't really have anything. I was so nervous on Thursday, but the Lord was with me the whole time. Even though I felt nervous, I had a peace that I couldn't explain. I knew God was with me. I knew everything was going to be OK, and it was. I read a quote a while back that greatly impacted me. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." I have had to put this into practice over the past few months. You know what? It works! I have faced certain fears lately and as I face them, and then conquer them, it builds my faith and fear is dying. What have I to fear anyway? Jesus promises that he will never leave us or forsake us. We can trust him. He has never let me fall. That reminds me of a song I wrote several years ago during some of my darkest hours. I will leave you with the lyrics.

I'm Protected

Lord, I'm seated at your feet
Your hand is on my head
And I'm protected, I'm protected
Whom have I to fear
For you are always near
And I'm protected, I'm protected

So why do I question you
You have never let me down
I long for your presence to
Constantly surround me

Lord, you've set me on a rock
I'm not afraid to stand
I'm protected, I'm protected
You are waiting patiently
You're holding out your hand
And I'm protected, I'm protected

So why do I question you
You have never let me fall
Help me Lord to take your hand
And answer your calling, you're calling me

Now I know sometimes it's hard to do
So help me to have faith in you
Oh I will have faith in you

And I will not question you
You have never let me down
I long for your presence to constantly surround me
And I will not question you
You have never let me fall
Help me Lord to take your hand and answer your calling, you're calling me

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