Monday, October 26, 2009

Walking By Faith

So, yesterday, my email and Facebook account were hacked. I still have not had them recovered, although I do believe they are both disabled now so that the hacker no longer has access to them. I apologize to anyone reading this who received an erroneous email from me, or chat sessions with the hacker on Facebook pretending to be me. I was thinking yesterday about how violated I felt. Most of my personal information is in my email account and I was feeling so angry that someone had violated my privacy like that. Not to mention the fact that I had to deal with phone calls and text messages literally the entire day from the moment I woke up until I shut my phone off before bed. I was reassuring people all day long that I was just fine and that I was NOT in London with my kids.

You know what I found out though? That I am loved. If there's anything good I can take from this experience, it's that my friends and family were truly concerned about me and would have sent me money if I really would have been stranded. Mostly though, they just wanted to make sure I was safe. That made me feel really good. I stopped getting annoyed at "another text" and "another phone call" and started enjoying talking to people I hadn't spoken with in several months. It was so good to talk to them!

This morning, I am still bummed out about the situation and am praying that it will be resolved quickly. But, I have a much more positive outlook than I did yesterday because my joy does not depend on circumstances. Am I happy this happened? Certainly not! But, I'm going to choose to look at the good. If I don't, I will fall apart. This has just been one of the many bad things that has happened in the past week. I won't get into the details, but it seems as if everything's falling apart. I am viewing it as a chance to see just how much faith I really have. The good thing is that I don't need a whole lot of faith to see big miracles happen. In Matthew 17:20b, Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." So, technically, even though it's impossible for me to get into my accounts, God is going to make a way for them to be restored. I truly believe that. I believe that everything will be as I left it.

I have chosen to live a life of faith because I know my God is able. He is able and willing to help me when I need him. Are you living by faith? It's not always easy, but it is worth it. I was starting to get really depressed yesterday, I mean really depressed. Thankfully, the Word of God is like a two-edged sword (this time in a good way), and it cut through the depression before it could fully ruin my day. I am in awe of how one scripture can totally change my day. Well, off to get the girls and I ready for our day. I will keep you posted on the progress with resuming control of my accounts. Have a wonderful day!

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