Thursday, November 5, 2009


I feel like I've had writer's block lately. Actually, it's been more like "brain block" in every area of my life. Do you ever have those weeks where you just feel like you're in a fog, like you just can't focus on a single task without getting totally distracted? I have had one of those weeks. I need to be productive, but I'm finding it really difficult this week. I know that things are getting done, just not as much as I should have accomplished by now. So, I'm hoping that the next weeks to come will be better.

I am so excited about our upcoming vacation to Disneyworld! Not only do I get to pretend I'm a kid again, but I get nine uninterrupted days with my husband and girlie's. We need it so bad! Life has been incredibly busy and somewhat stressful for several months now and we are ready for a break. We are staying at a beautiful resort and Disneyworld will be decorated for Christmas by the time we get there. I love Disneyland at Christmas, so I'm sure Disneyworld will be just as magical. It truly is amazing and even though it feels a bit indulgent, it's worth it. Sometimes you just need to spoil yourself and take a few days to enjoy a wonderful experience.

The girls have been really cute this week. Sarah got really mad at me the other morning. She held her little index finger up, looked me in the eye and said, "Momma, I no speaking to you right now!" Then she stuck out her bottom lip as far as she could and pouted for a good five minutes. It was so funny, but I didn't let her see me laugh. She is starting to talk so much and I can actually have an intelligent conversation with her. On one hand, I love it. On the other hand, it makes me sad because it means she's growing up. I have to admit there are some days when I can't wait for them to be grown up. But, I mostly just want to hold onto them forever.

Hailey told me the other day that she had a secret and she couldn't tell me. So I said, "Ok, then don't tell me." Here's the rest of the conversation at the dinner table that night:

Hailey: "Mom, I really think I should tell you the secret."
Me: "Ok, only if you want to."
Hailey: "Ok, here goes...(insert 12 year old drama) Ryan in my class is in love and the girl loves him back. Seriously, they are really in love."
Me: "Wow. Why is that such a big secret?"
Hailey: (eyes rolling) "'s because it's about love. Boys are NOT supposed to love girls!"
Me: "Well, they can when they get older. Love is a good thing."
Hailey: "Whatever. I'm never falling in love."
Me: "Good answer, for now."

She is so darn cute. She's really starting to put things together though. There was one point last week when I wondered if we had done the right thing by enrolling her in public school. With all the H1N1 talk, the Halloween stuff I didn't want her to get into, boys kissing girls, attitude issues, etc., I was really questioning it. I have now come to realize that I can't keep my kids in a bubble where they are never exposed to anything that opposes or challenges our morals or what we believe. She knows right from wrong and she asks me when she has questions about something. It's been a learning experience for her already, and for me, and I think it's good. I will do everything in my power to protect her innocence and guard her mind and heart. But, we live in this world and she needs to know how to live it in, but not of it.

She asked me the other day if it was ok to talk about Jesus and I said absolutely! She loves to tell people about Jesus. That makes me so happy! I didn't even have to teach her to do it. I had her parent/teacher conference a couple days ago and she had nothing but wonderful things to say about her. I actually could relate to the term "my heart was swelling with pride" as I listened to her teacher tell me how wonderful my child is. She complimented me and said that I have done a wonderful job raising her thus far and that she is so smart. It's those moments when all the hard work you've put in pays off and you see some of the fruits of your labor as a mom. Because we all know that being a mom is seriously hard work.

I am so blessed to have such amazing kids. I have had to choose to live by faith, not fear, these past couple weeks and I'm seeing the results. God is so good! I wonder sometimes why I doubt Him and his goodness. You know, when things are falling apart around you and your faith is being tested. It's easy in those moments to just freak out first and trust God later. We need to train ourselves to go to God first, and then see if the freaking out even needs to take place. : ) I'm not saying that faith makes you numb to your own emotions, but it does calm them down. It also helps you think more clearly, which is what I've needed this week. Sometimes we just need a little bit of perspective.

I have to run and get some things done while Hailey is at school. It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you only have one child home with you. I pray you all have a wonderful weekend!

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