Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Notes

A couple weeks ago, I attended our women's conference at church. There were so many amazing things taught to us during those three days and it left me with a lot to think about. I'm just going to list some things from my notes that stuck out at me. They are going to be in very random order, so bear with me.

- Take notes (journal) when you go through a trial, so that when you come out of it, it can be a gift to someone else.

- Helping people and serving the Lord come at a price. Before you put something in your cart, are you prepared to pay for it? Can you afford it? Some of us try to call Heaven's "bill shock" department when we see the bill. We need to estimate the cost so that we don't start building something we can't finish. God wants us to increase the amount we're willing to pay.

- None of us will live like our past never happened, but we learn to live our life beyond it.

- You may not have had a choice about being a victim, but you do have a choice to stay one.

- The Lord disciplines those He values.

- One tragedy is wanting the "green grass", and the other tragedy is getting it. Don't want someone else's green grass. It takes a lot of mud and manure to get it green.

- Don't label yourself with a label you're not supposed to have! Be you!

- When God gives you something, never make it about you.

- We need to stop making our own little "missions". God has given us the task of telling everyone what He's doing, not what we're doing.

- Joy is not a feeling. It's a positioning of the soul.

- Everything can be taken from you, but you have control to choose what you do with your spirit and your attitude.

- Refuse to bear burdens that you were never meant to carry.

- Praising God stirs up the miraculous in your life.

- A heart that is soft no matter the circumstances opens you up for a move of God.

- God is deliberately mysterious.

- You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.

- Faith is trusting God's character when life gives you a reason not to.

- In spite of what God allows, He is still good.

- Hang on to God long enough to let him write the rest of your story. His nature is responsive and responsible.

- There is a massive need right now for us to wake up! The body of Christ is not destined for "asleep". We are not destined for escape, but for reveal.

- Track what God is doing. You want to be a part of it. You want to be fully present, upright and awake. When you're only entertained and not engaged, it's likely you will fall asleep.

- Our kids' well-being depends on us living beyond ourselves.

Those are just a few things from my notes. I hope that something on that list encouraged you today. There is a great need for us to be aware of what's happening around us. I am not a person who likes to face things head on, but I'm realizing that I'm going to have to. I can't just hide in my house and turn a deaf ear to what's happening around me. Our world is getting scarier, and our future is uncertain (on earth, anyway.) My hope is in Jesus Christ and the promise of an eternal life with him. He is my joy, He is my rock, He is my strength. He has never failed me, and He will never fail you either. He loves you more than you could ever imagine!

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