Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 2: A Common Masterpiece

Hello! I hope you're having a fantastic day! My mind has been very full, talking to God about what he wanted me to share with you on this Day 2 of 21. I have been reflecting on the past few years and find it awesome and amazing that even though I'm feeling pretty horrible in my body, I can talk to God all day and be honest with him about how I'm feeling. Even though he already knows, he listens to me and he cares. I mentioned in my post yesterday that I brought my complaints and questions boldly before the Lord about how disappointed I was about cancelling the project I was supposed to start today. I did the same thing today, only this time I wasn't complaining or questioning. I haven't even been disappointed that I've been on my couch today instead of where I really wanted to be. I was just talking to him like I would a dear friend. Because that's what He is.

I don't know about you, but there have been many times in my life where I've asked God questions like, "Why am I here?" "What did you create me for?" "Why can't I ___ (fill in the blank) like so-and-so?" "Why am I not ___ (talented, beautiful, intelligent...) like they are?" "Why don't I have a ministry like they do?" Each time I've asked the questions, God has given me the same answer. "I created you to be YOU, not anyone else. I created you to be totally unique, not in any way a copy of anybody else. Don't compare yourself to others. Nothing good will ever come from it."

Several months ago, a friend of mine accomplished one of her big goals. I was truly happy for her and rejoiced with her. In the same day, I was plagued again with the same questions to God about why he created me the way he did. I didn't want to have those questions filling my mind. I wanted to trust God and feel good about myself in spite of the fact that I haven't been able to fulfill my own goals yet. This is the scripture that I "stumbled" across...

Romans 9:20-21 ~ But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? "Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'" Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?"

Don't ya just love it when God gets straight to the point? :) In this illustration, Paul is not saying that some of us are worth more than others, but simply that the Creator has control over the created object. Therefore, the created object has no right to demand anything from its Creator because its very existence depends on him. Um, talk about a wake-up call. It certainly stopped my whining. Ever since I read those verses, I have not questioned God like I used to. I realize that I am a common masterpiece, and that's just fine with me. I still have big goals and dreams, and I should! We all should! While there is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve great things, and being proud of yourself when you accomplish a goal or do well at something, keeping this perspective that Paul is illustrating keeps us from having the wrong type of pride in or desire for personal achievements; the "puffed up" attitude that can so easily tempt us. Every talent and accomplishment should bring glory to God, our Creator. After all, he's the one who gives us our talents and equips us for great things.

I thought about how silly I was for questioning the very person who gave me life. I thought about how rude it would be of me to (for example) go to an art fair and start asking a potter who is selling hand made bowls and mugs why he or she didn't create vases instead. Then I thought about how I could make my own illustration, and here's what I came up with. Each item in the picture below was made from the same type of material, yet each one was created for a unique and specific purpose.

Each item was given to me as a gift by family members. The pot in the middle, and the blue mug, are both used for common purposes, and I use both of them all the time. The vase is obviously used to hold beautiful flowers. The little red bowl was made by my daughter, Sarah. And the funky little sculpture behind the little red bowl was made by my daughter, Hailey. Each item was give to me out of love and I treasure each one. It doesn't matter to me what they were created for. I just love that they were created and given to me.

It doesn't matter what you think you were created for. What matters is that you were created by God for a specific and unique purpose. You are special. You are His masterpiece. So, the next time you begin to question your existence, or long for another person's success, talent, ministry, or whatever...  Remember Who created you. He knows the plans he has for you. (Jeremiah 29:11) And they are good. Until tomorrow then...



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