Sunday, May 3, 2009

Allow or Resist?

I received an email the other day that included the definitions of two words: allow and resist. I already knew what the words meant, of course, but when I read the descriptions it really made me think. What do I allow to come into my life, good or bad? What do I need to resist?

Allow - To let do or happen; permit: To offer a possibility; make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen.

Resist - To strive to fend off or offset the actions, effects, or force of; To remain firm against the actions, effects, or force of; withstand; To keep from giving in to or enjoying.

One thing I am having a hard time resisting is sugar. I went off sugar almost two weeks ago (except for one day a week when I get to eat one dessert.) I hate to admit it, but this has been SO hard for me this time. I did this once before right after my daughter Hailey was born. I needed to lose the extra 60 pounds I'd gained and it totally worked! I also exercised at least three days a week. I had a rockin' body... just in time to get pregnant with my second daughter...sigh. This time, it's really not to lose weight so much as it is just to feel better. I've determined that a lot of my headaches subside when I cut out sugar. So, I'm battling through. I use the word "battling" because for me, it is a battle. I am irritable, emotional, and not too much fun to be around right now. I know it will get easier as more time goes by, but right now I am not a happy camper.

One thing I have been allowing lately are thoughts of inadequacy as a mother, and the tendency to worry about the future. Those two things have really been hindering me this week. The latter part of the definition of allow says this: make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen. I have been making it possible for these thoughts to overtake me because of my lack of action. The lack of action I'm referring to is trusting God. When I don't trust Him and I try to do everything in my own strength I fail. I have to choose to resist the enemy and allow the Lord to be in control of my life. In order for me to allow the Lord to be in control, I have to take the action of trusting Him completely. I have to trust him to help me withstand the pressure of my sugar cravings, to accept his encouragement that I am a good mother in spite of having bad days, and that he already knows my entire future even before I've lived it.

It's my choice whether I'm going to listen to the devil, who hates me, or listen to Jesus, who loves me unconditionally. Hmmm...seems like an easy choice. However, we all know that it's not as easy as it sounds. Especially when "life happens" and you feel like you're going to explode. Can anyone relate to this? So, what should we be allowing in our lives? Here are a few things I'm going to start allowing to come into my life: the Peace of God that passes all understanding, compassion, mercy, thoughts of self worth, encouragement and self-discipline. Here are some things I'm going to resist in my life: chaos, disorder, worry, resentment, fear, anger, thoughts of low self worth, thoughts of unworthiness, and bad attitudes. There are many more for both things, but those are the first ones that came to mind. I have to end this post now, but I encourage you to make two lists: one for things you want to allow to come into your life, and one for those things that you want to resist. Look at it every day if you have to. We're all in this together and we WILL succeed!

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